Saturday 21 May 2011

Post 47 - Jaw Skinning & Corrective / Phoneme blend shapes via driven keys

Making blend shapes is the same as 3ds Max except it is an option in the tabs and not a modifier. Instead, after selecting the rig head and the modified head, go up to the deformer tab and selecting blend shape. For the corrective shapes, these are then wired into the jaw using set driven keys. So, the jaw is the driver and the corrective shapes are the driven. Same as Max, as the jaw opens the blend shape is set to 1 (100% on). So when the jaw opens it is initiated. This is the same with the closed, the left and the right positions. 

Tutorial Stuff
Jaw skinning and corrective shapes - LINK

My Stuff
Jaw skinning and corrective shapes - LINK
Phonemes - LINK

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