Wednesday 18 May 2011

Post 43 - Full Figure rig: facial additions

The reason I said in my proposal that I was going to make the face rigging on a separate head model was that I wasn't convinced the full figure model has a good enough head. I had another look at it and it seems that it is more than capable of taking on morph targets and would work well for face rigging. So to cut a long story short, I have repeated all of the steps taken to make the head rig and applied it to the original full figure rig. This process took a week or so but it was well worth the time as I learnt the methods whilst making the first one, and then applied this knowledge to the second one.

The set up is identical and I copied over both the UI and the eye system and then relinked the eyes and made morph targets out of the figure's face. Considering the rig was going to have nothing done to its face, I am very pleased I made this decision. It is going over the same process, I feel it is important to repeat these processes so that they stick and I get better at doing them. The link below is the desktop capture that I handed in as part of my submission, as well as another example of the jaw rigging.

Full figure rig Reaction Manager jaw demo - LINK
Full figure rig wih facial rigging clip - LINK

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