Thursday 24 March 2011

Post 17 - Failed rigging attempt 'update'

I felt at this point that I should address the problems I came up against as mentioned in my 5th post. I tried to follow a series of training PDFs by Joe Russo. I am now able to create both twists bones and hoe to make a controller which pivots at the bone's orientation. 

Both issues I had from this PDF were combated using the Intermediate Rigging Training DVDs by Paul Neale. A twist bone is most commonly constructed by copying the bone that it will twist along. Then, by refining the bone, this then becomes two. The PDF showed three bones which was confusing, but what was not mentioned wast that first bone was not a twist bone, but the original arm bone, which had been given an edit mesh modifier. The verts for this were then altered to make it tidy. This was not explained very clearly in the PDF, but I have since made them and understand the process. 

Creating controllers and altering pivots points has also since been covered. A spline controller object can have it's pivot point and orientation altered by going into the hierarchy panel, then select pivot point. Then at that moment, you can simply align the spline object the bone, This realigns the object's pivot point and so will now (once linked) could be used to correctly rotate the clavicle bone. These problems have now been overcome through the main rig that I have made.

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