Friday 18 March 2011

Post 13 - 3ds Max Bone Rig Summary

Here is the final rig. I plan on skinning it and learning the various methods in the next few days. Overall, I am extremely pleased with this rig as it demonstrates both my ability to learn, as well as another method for rigging. One of the final artefacts may well closely resemble this rig. It is of a high quality and is in fully working order. In my opinion, until it is skinned, I am unable to pass judgement on it fully in terms of its application.

Using custom bones and attributes has much more of an industry presence. Using this method, it allows for the artist to customise the set up for their needs. Also, the rig can be created in different ways and different approaches (spine is a good example). This is a very good system for being able to control a character and again, if it is an animal or fantasy character, the rig can be made for unique specifications

However, although this has clear industry applications and has been seen to be used, the complexity and length of time it took for me to make it was great. Compared to the two days it took the biped to be rigged and skinned, it has taken me about a week to construct the rig alone. A similar method to that of the biped will be used to skin the rig. The next couple of days is going to be spent skinning and learning how to apply the rig correctly. This will be rounded up by the end of the weekend and then an introduction to Maya and it's bone system will take place. As a result of the 3ds Max rig haven taken up a lot of time and effort, the weekly planner is currently out by one week. I have also not been able to research any further into 3ds Max CAT rigging. It is my intention to do so, but this may have to wait until the Easter holidays.

So, I am very pleased, it is of a high quality and is great for custom attributes, flexibility and industry application. However, it is time consuming and requires at times the extensive use of Max Script.

Max Rig 'quick' demonstration - LINK

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