I have started to construct a rig from custom bones with the help from a training DVD series titled 'Intermediate Rig Set', by Paul Neale. This set of training DVDs gives handy advice and methods for creating a detailed and high quality rig. So far, I have created an IK spine. This was created using the bone tools, then refined by the 'Edit Bones' panel. The spine itself cannot be repositioned as the various sections of bone have been linked up the various controllers, which dot around the model. These controllers were simply constructed by creating a spline circle, then duplicating it twice on the other axis. These were then grouped together, resized using the Xform modifier and then converted back into a spline shape.

Each upper most and lower most bone sections have been directly linked to their corresponding controller using orientation constraints (and so will only rotate when the controller is rotated). But for the two middle bones, these have been linked with more than one controller. When this is done, they share the influence from the controllers and evenly distribute it along a series of bones. As one will be effected %65 to a movement, another may be effected only 35%. If the highest spine controller is pulled, the upper area will be affected more then the lower back area, and visa versa. This allows for a very flexible and yet controlled bone hierarchy. The head bone is directly linked and orient constrained to the controller above it. This results in the ability to control the spine, whilst the head (or eye line) remains intact and unaltered.
The controllers were then linked to the waist control (spline circle). This allows for the whole of the rig to be moved without disrupting the positions of the bones. Advanced versions of this allow for all but the hands to be moved in this fashion. This is good for when the character is required to hold onto an object, but the waist needs to be moved. The hands would remain in the same spot.
FK Spine clip - LINK
Intermediate Rig Set DVDs by Paul Neale - LINK
Paul Neale Wensite - LINK
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