For the face controls, I used a series of spline based shapes. There was a really good tutorial on how to create a slider from Paul Neales' DVD set which involved scripting. The script essentially is saying that as the child 'joystick' is moved inside the space of its parent 'rectangle', it can only travel a certain distance before stopping. To create the illusion that it is stuck in the box, the script called for a lot of if scripting and needed the same unit measurements of the rectangle. The script cleverly was made by using length data rather than name dependant. This allows for the controllers to be scaled or altered into sliders, or squares and yet the joystick will still remain inside the box. This is good because when controlling a rig, it is crucial that there are limits as to what can be animated.

Hey, nice blog! Have you ever seen my tool?
I´d invite you to ckeck it out, aroud october I´ll release it. Much more to come :)