After the meeting with Darren, I looked into acquiring several tutorial DVDs from the library. These are as follows:
Character Animation: Fundamentals with Chris Kirshbaum
Character Animation: Fundamentals with Chris Kirshbaum
Character Animation: Mechanics & Emotion with Chris Kirshbaum
Character Animation: Acting & Lip Sync with Chris Kirshbaum
Although these are aimed at learning how to 'animate' (which will be useful for my final project), the character used in the DVD's is a rigged one, so in following these tutorials, I feel that I may gain some useful information and will work along side my research into advanced rigging. These tutorials are also all in Maya, so they should allow me to familiarise myself with the UI. Another useful DVD I have borrowed is: Introduction to Maya: Interface & Workflow with Alex Alvarez.
I also have borrowed a couple of books. One is called: Body Language: Advanced 3D Character Animation by Eric Allen & Kelly L. Murdock. The examples in this book are from Maya, which would make it a good opportunity to explore this package and includes an array of advanced technique, such as blend shapes for facial animation as well as various 'IK' techniques. The other is Autodesk Maya 2008: The Modelling and Animation Handbook. This is a great resource and one which will definitely help me when I make the move from 3ds Max's bone system to Maya's joint system for rigging.
Omar Khan has also very kindly leant me a couple of Maya books titled:
Learning Autodesk Maya 2010: Foundation and Autodesk Maya 2010: The Modelling & Animation Handbook. These will be extremely useful as they use a chapter based structure, which covers specific processes or areas of rigging. Support files are also provided should I become stuck and need additional help. In addition, he has provided me with a newer edition to the book which I got out of the Library (although I still aim to use both editions when I need to compare for descriptions, and so on).

Character Animation: Fundamentals - LINK
Character Animation: Mechanics & Emotion - LINK
Character Animation: Acting & Lip Sync - LINK
Introduction to Maya: Interface & Workflow - LINK
Body Language: Advanced 3D Character Animation - LINK
Learning Autodesk Maya 2010: Foundation - LINK
Autodesk Maya 2010: The Modelling & Animation Handbook - LINK
Autodesk Maya 2008: The Modelling & Animation Handbook - LINK